How to Upgrade Your Old Carport
Carports make for a wonderful addition to your home; they improve the general look of the property, and give you the ideal space to leave your vehicles where they are protected from the elements. Unfortunately over time the materials can fade in color, damage can appear and cracks can show. This is why regular maintenance is always required with carports.
Custom carports that have gone too long without maintenance will need an upgrade – here is how to go about it.
Jet Wash
When it comes to carports, Melbourne boasts a huge variety of designs and they are blessed in that they haven’t got too much to contend with in terms of risk. This is why in many cases, you will be able to give the carport a good hard, jet wash, which will lift the dirt, grit and debris from the surface of the material. In some cases this will mean that the water actually chips away a little bit of paint from the material too. If this happens, don’t worry, as it indicates that the paint has seen better days too — which we can also remedy.
Fixing Any Damage
Washing the carport with a jet spray will give you a chance to see the condition of the material underneath, and it will show any damage which has occurred. This is your chance to fix any damage and fill any cracks which have appeared. Mostly this damage will happen where the joists are, and wherever two pieces of timber meet. Make sure that you get rid of any moss or plants which have grown in the damage, and then fill it in using wood chips.
Giving It a Lick
When you are upgrading your carport, it is always a good idea to give it a new coat of paint, as this will really make a huge impact visually. Once you have ensured that the damage is fixed and the top layer of paint has been hit with the jet wash, you can start to slowly paint over the old color. Be prepared to add a couple of layers here, owing to the fact that you are painting over the original coat. Even if you are applying the same colors here, it is likely that you will need 3 coats. This will not only help the color to look uniform, it will also offer some protection to the materials beneath the paint.
When it comes to maintaining carports, it is always a good idea to use a light jet spray every couple of months, to ensure that nothing is able to settle on the materials for too long. When you do this, be sure that the carport has enough time to dry off, otherwise you will have problems related to moisture such as mold. Giving the carport the once over, early in the morning on a warm day, will be more than enough to keep it looking good.